About me >:)

1.) My name is Isabel Favaloro and I am a junior in the ComDes program.

2.) I was interested in learning more about website design and this was the class suggested to me.

3.) I used HTML to code a bitsy game, but other than that I have no idea what I’m doing.

4.) I’m pretty sure anything that’s taught will be new information for me, so I don’t think I know enough about the subject matter to choose one concrete thing to be excited for.

5.) When working on paper I think it’s pretty easy to figure out whats possible to work with. Designing on a screen is a completely different medium so there will probably be a lot more trial and error on my end.

6.) https://tsuki.market/ has very effective design that mimics the products they sell. It’s not too filled with extraneous details that interfere with the purpose of the website.

7.) https://www.wsj.com/ communicates very well with the user. This is where I read news almost everyday and it’s reliable.

8.) www.youtube.com works very well for me since I never have an issue using it for it’s intended purpose and everything is very easy to navigate